THE following cases were heard at Reading or Slough Magistrates’ Courts.

January 9:

KAMRAN LATIF, 44, of Field Road, Reading has been found guilty of stealing fish from a Tesco store on July 2 last year. The fish was valued at £160. He has been fined £120.

SHELLIE TURNER, 24, of Parsons Road, Slough has pleaded guilty to using threatening or abusive words or behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress on October 13 last year. She has been ordered to complete 35 days of rehabilitation activity.

READ MORE: Man, 18, on trial for 'assaulting' two teenage girls

IMRAN KHAN, 56, of Sherborne Close, Slough has pleaded guilty to possessing a Class A drug on May 5 last year. It has been ordered that the drugs are forfeited and destroyed. No separate penalty has been given. He also pleaded guilty to drug driving on the same day on Turns Lane. He has been disqualified from driving from 12 months.

MOHAMMED RAHMAN, 19, of Lowfield Road, Caversham, pleaded guilty to driving without third party insurance in Reading on October 26 last year. He also pleaded guilty to failing to stop his vehicle when asked to do so by a constable in uniform. His guilty plea was taken into consideration and no action was taken.

READ MORE: Reading teen charged with causing 'unnecessary suffering' to two dogs

JOHN SHACKELL, 40, of Willow Street, Reading , pleaded guilty to breaching a restraining order by sending PayPal messages between November 8 and November 17 last year. He has jailed for 14 weeks.


It is established in the UK that court cases should be heard in public. This principle of open justice is acclaimed on a number of grounds: as a safeguard against judicial error and as a deterrent to perjury, to assist the deterrent function of trials and to permit the revelation of matters of public interest. Costs include victim surcharge and courts charges.