TWO men currently facing trial for the death of a 24-year-old man in Slough were allegedly part of a London drug line, a court has heard.

Riaz Miah and Hassan Al-Kubanji, who have both been charged with one count of murder, are on trial at Reading Crown Court in connection with the death of Mohammed Rafaqit Kayani.

Mr Kayani died from a fatal stab wound to the chest during an incident off Keel Drive on August 30, 2022.

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A third man, Miguel Parian John, is charged with one count of assisting an offender and possession of a blade/sharp pointed article in a public place in connection with the incident.

Prosecuting, William Hughes told the 12-strong jury that the Crown believes the two defendants are drug dealers from London who had travelled to Slough to sell Class A drugs as part of a London drug line named ‘Avon’.

They have both been charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply a controlled drug of class A, namely cocaine and heroin which only Miah has pleaded guilty to. Al-Kubanjihas denied the possession charge.

It is believed that the two men were staying with the third defendant, John, who Mr Hughes described as a ‘drug user’.

He said: “Mr Miah has accepted he is guilty in his role as a drug dealer but the fact they are both drug dealers the Crown says will be established by several different bits of evidence.

READ MORE: Slough 'murder' trial starts at Reading Crown Court

“The main bit is the connection to the telephone line that was used for drug dealing called the ‘Avon’ line.

“It’s a simple concept really. Drug dealers need to be contactable by their customers so different numbers are used for these clients and that particular telephone number can be used by different drug dealers in the same group.

“It’s not uncommon for a London line to come to a small town before returning to London or setting up business at a temporary location and it’s the Crown’s case that Mr Miah and Mr Al-Kubanji were using Mr John’s address for exactly that purpose.

“There is a strong correlation with the phone using the Avon line and the other telephones used by [two defendants].”

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The trial, which is expected to last about three weeks, continues with Mr Hughes calling  investigating officer detective sergeant Carl Bradford to the witness stand to testify about CCTV footage and telephone data allegedly placing the defendants in Slough at the time of the incident.

The trial continues.