A 50 year-year-old pervert has been sentenced to three years in prison after a paedophile hunter sting operation discovered him attempting to pay for sexual services with a child.

South East Regional Organised Crime Unit seized Sohaib Aslam, of Ditton Park Road, Slough on his way to the meeting with a fictional victim in Windsor on November 4, 2021.

After finding an adult services website in order to locate an escort, Aslam replied to a fake advert, posted by police, which offered a child for sexual exploitation.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Colin Haynes, of SEROCU, said: “This should serve as a warning to anyone looking to arrange this sort of meeting. You can never be sure of who you are actually messaging.

“If you engage in this sort of conversation online, and look to arrange meetings of this nature, you could be arrested and face time in prison, which will have a destructive impact on your life and career, as well as having a huge effect on your family.”

During an investigation by police, screenshots of messages were found showing Aslam’s interactions with a person he thought was arranging the meeting with the child.

Within one message, Aslam said: “OK good…see you at 12…please make sure it is not a rush…I want to enjoy *** like a girlfriend…with lots of French kissing.”

On his way to the meeting, he was intercepted by SEROCU officers and arrested, and was found in possession of the £100 which he was planning to use to pay for sex.

After a unanimous verdict by the jury found him guilty in a two-day trial on December 1, he was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, given a 10 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register.

Detective Haynes said: “We will not tolerate those who look to exploit children for sexual purposes and will do everything we can to disrupt them.”

Police have assured that no child was ever at risk during this sting operation.

Thames Valley Police added: Help is available if you are concerned about your thoughts or behaviour towards children or those of someone else. You can seek help and support via the Stop it Now! confidential helpline on 0808 1000 900. Further support is available from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation.     

If you are a victim of a sexual offence or have information about offences having been committed please report this to your local police force by calling the non-emergency number 101 or 999 in an emergency.