CONCERNS over a nightclub in a “lawless” part of Windsor wanting to open longer triggers a licensing hearing.

The Boom Boom Bar in The Arches, Goswell Hill, wants to stay open for another hour on Thursdays and Sundays. Its proposed operational times are 11am to 2am.

It also wants to close half an hour later on Christmas Eve and an hour later on all public bank holidays.

Two residents wrote in to object to the bar’s plans, triggering a licensing sub-committee on Friday, October 28, for councillors to decide.

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Nearby homeowners feared this time extension will exacerbate the noise, drunken rowdiness, and anti-social behaviour they have been experiencing in the area.

One local said approving this application will be “another blow to the residents.”

They wrote: “It is no exaggeration to say we live in a completely lawless area. Especially in the early hours of the morning, when the clubs release heavily inebriated customers onto nearby streets (Goswell Road and Bridgewater Terrace), there is no chance of an immediate response when the element that is bent on anti-social behaviour, crime, and drug use do so within a stones throw of residents’ front doors, and doorsteps.”

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The Boom Boom bar bosses said they have CCTV and fully trained door staff to manage the crowd at the premises.