Slough MP Tan Dhesi writes to Observer readers:

The behaviour of the Tory Government in recent weeks has been outrageous. The endless lies, corruption and rule breaking from the Prime Minster and those within Government shows a complete disregard for truth and integrity.

Instead of leading the nation, the Prime Minster is taking a lead in the denial and bluster surrounding allegations of parties in Whitehall and Downing Street.

I welcome the launch of an investigation into these parties and the assurance that any criminality uncovered will be referred to the police.

However, in my view the investigation needs to cover all of the parties reported to have taken place, otherwise people will conclude that a cover-up is still ongoing. In a time of crisis, with growing Omicron hospitalisations and infection rates, we need strong, trusted and determined leadership.

The British people have given up so much and suffered such great loss throughout the pandemic, all whilst those making the rules couldn’t even follow them. Boris Johnson and his cronies have repeatedly flouted restrictions throughout the pandemic, lied about it, then laughed at us!

It angers me that, alongside so many across the UK, when I was grieving the loss of my family members, rules seemed to be broken at the highest levels of Government.

We must demand better. Right now, Government should be focused on protecting our country against the continued threat of Coronavirus. It’s heart-breaking that hospital beds are filling up and increased restrictions are needed, but we must continue to do all we can to fight this virus. I know, particularly as we enter the Christmas period, many will be anxious about the impact this will have on festivities. So I urge everyone eligible to go and get the booster vaccine - to protect yourself and your loved ones. We cannot allow Government incompetence and hypocrisy to put our effort against this deadly virus in danger. We are so much stronger together.