AS WARD councillor for Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury I find myself frustrated by the activities of R&W Engineering, who have for some time been operating a road maintenance depot on the Wraysbury Road in Hythe End, Wraysbury. 

This site has taken an area of woodland and open space flood plain adjacent to a residential area and decimated it, turning it into an industrial site with Motorway Maintenance material and plant, operating extended hours seven days a week to the disturbance of local residents. 

This blot on the landscape, with the associated disturbance and disruption to residents opposite, has taken place without any planning permissions or oversight because it has been permitted under Permitted Development orders granted by Secretary of State and Highways England, with no consultation or engagement with RBWM or local residents. 

Despite being given an indicative date they would vacate in May this year, residents have been dismayed that they now appear to have no intention of closing the site and it appears they can stay indefinitely - so long as they are engaged in Motorway maintenance for Highways England. 

This is an untenable situation for the community, adversely impacting on the lives of the neighbours and it appears that both the Royal Borough Planning Enforcement or our MP are powerless in the face of this Permitted Development blight on our community. 

David Cannon
RBWM ward councillor for Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury
Protection and Parking cabinet member