THE MURDER of 13-year-old Olly Stephens by two teenage boys rocked Reading and the rest of Berkshire back in January.

After a long six-month wait, the two 14-year-olds were convicted of his murder at Reading Crown Court in July.

They now wait to learn their fate at their sentencing, which is due to take place in September.

But what sort of sentence will the two teen murderers get?

READ MORE: Teenage boys found guilty of murdering Olly Stephens

To get an idea of how long the boys could serve in detention -- alongside the 14-year-old girl who pleaded guilty to manslaughter -- we’ve taken a look back at some of the sentences handed to teenage killers from across the UK over the past few years.

And a new law triggered by the murder of one girl could mean teen murderers spend longer in jail.

The murder of Lee Chapman

Two teenage boys were detained for life with minimum terms of 12 and 14 years to be served back in April after murdering 26-year-old father Lee Chapman in Southend.

One teenager held Chapman in place while his drug lord boss stabbed him to death in a “frenzied attack”, a court heard.

Lamar Davis, 18, of Southchurch Road, Southend, and a 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, aided Tyrell Thompson in planning and executing the attack.

Slough Observer: Lamar DavisLamar Davis

READ MORE: Full details as young killers of Lee Chapman sentenced

Judge Samantha Leigh said: "This is another life lost due to drugs and County Lines.

"Drugs have taken from all the people in this case, from Mr Chapman, his family, his young daughter, and the defendants.

"He was fatally stabbed in a frenzied attack. He was held unable to defend himself.

"Tyrell Thompson carried the knife. [The 17-year-old] held Mr Chapman."

Davis, 18, was told he would serve a minimum of 14 years and 318 days while the 17-year-old was given a minimum 12 year and 318 day sentence.

The murder of Bradley Gledhill

Six people were convicted of the murder of 20-year-old Bradley Gledhill in Batley, West Yorkshire in July.

Two of the killers -- Irfan Hussain and Nikash Hussain -- from Batley and Sewsbury respectively, were aged 17 when sentenced.

Slough Observer: Nikash HussainNikash Hussain

The group, acting together as a “gang” according to the BBC, stabbed Gledhill to death in broad daylight as a young child watched.

READ MORE: The Berkshire criminals jailed for horrible crimes in July

A court heard how Gledhill was punched and kicked as he lay bleeding on the ground following the stabbing by the gang, who came across the 20-year-old “by chance”.

The two 17-year-olds were handed life sentences with Irfan Hussain told he would serve a minimum of 11 years for murder and ten years for attempted murder.

Slough Observer: Irfan HussainIrfan Hussain

Nikash Hussain was told he would serve a minimum of ten years for murder.

The murder of Ellie Gould

Thomas Griffiths could be let out of prison when he is 30 after he was told he would serve a minimum of 12 years in jail for murdering his ex-girlfriend Ellie Gould in May 2019.

The 17-year-old student repeatedly stabbed Ellie in the neck in a frenzied attack before trying to make it appear her wounds were self-inflicted.

The pair were A-level pupils at Hardenhuish School in Chippenham and had been in a relationship for three months.

Slough Observer: Thomas GriffithsThomas Griffiths

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Although he was 18 when he was sentenced, Griffiths was given a jail term appropriate for a teenager.

Since Griffiths’ sentencing, Ellie’s parents have been campaigning for a new law to extend the prison sentences for teenage killers.

And in March of this year their wish was granted after the government announced teenage murderers could serve up to 27 years in jail.

Under the new rules, teen killers would serve a minimum of 14 years in prison.

The murder of Ann Maguire

15-year-old Will Cornick stabbed his teacher Ann Maguire seven times in the back and neck in April 2014.

After committing the heinous crime at Corpus Christi Catholic College in West Yorkshire, he sat down and said “good times”, a court heard.

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Cornick, who had told his classmates he hated his teacher, “showed no emotion” when he admitted to Mrs Maguire’s murder more than seven years ago, according to the BBC.

Slough Observer: Will Cornick via West Yorks PoliceWill Cornick via West Yorks Police

Leeds Crown Court heard Mrs Maguire, 61, had been leaning over her desk helping a girl with her work when the boy attacked her from behind after winking at another pupil in the classroom.

Cornick was sentenced to a minimum of 20 years in jail.

The murder of Angela Wrightson

Two teenage girls posed for selfies while torturing 39-year-old Angela Wrightson to death over the course of seven hours.

Miss Wrightson died after being subjected to an attack lasting seven hours.

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She was hit with a shovel, a TV, a coffee table and a stick studded with screws after she let the pair into her Stephen Street home in December 2014.

The girls, who were 13 and 14 at the time of the murder in Hartlepool in December 2014, cannot be named for legal reasons.

Both were jailed for a minimum of 15 years in April 2016, according to the BBC.

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