BROKEN links to a petition calling for the Slough leader to resign has triggered a councillor to call ‘foul play’.

An online campaign was set up on the Slough Borough Council website calling for councillor James Swindlehurst and the council’s chief executive Josie Wragg to step down following the local authority declaring bankruptcy.

The petition has so far garnered nearly 1,000 signatures.

But over the past few days, residents have reportedly struggled to find the petition or click on links provided and takes them to an error message.

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This is because the petition page on the council website was changed to ensure it was a HTTPS to make the page safe and secure, which would involve adding new links while any previous links won’t work.

Independent councillor Madhuri Bedi (Foxborough) raised this issue to the council, saying they haven’t treated the petition “fairly” and would not expect this from a council that has “already lost its credibility”.

In an email to the council, she wrote: “Many petitions are raised through the council’s web page, and it is a fundamental right that residents feel comfortable with what they are signing, along with the petitioner feeling safe in the knowledge that their petition is on a .GOV website and will be treated with the professionalism and transparency that is a residents right.

“In the case of this petition that has not happened.”

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A spokesperson for the council acknowledged this change has affected the search result on the council website, which is powered by Google, or any other search engine.

While understanding Cllr Bedi’s and resident’s “frustration”, they said this is out of their control and can only be updated by Google, which will “take time” for them to catch up on the new links.

They said: “It was an issue with the security of the page which we solved as soon as we could – but it has unfortunately thrown up another technical issue and we have done everything we possibly can to solve this in a timely manner.

“We are now waiting for Google to catch up with the new links.”

Slough Observer: Many residents have been seeing error message when they click on the linkMany residents have been seeing error message when they click on the link

The first link on the council’s search bar on their website still does not work – but residents can click on the second link ‘consultations and petitions’ which will have a ‘petitions’ button for residents to click so they can view and/or sign the campaign.

Link to the petition: