The Slough community came together online last night to honour Holocaust Memorial Day.

The event was organised by the Mustaqbill Future Foundation which works in the town to tackle extremism and bring different faiths together.

All faiths were represented and leading members of the community contributing included the town's MP Tan Dhesi, the mayor Cllr Preston Brooker, council leader James Swindlehurst, police area commander Gavin Wong and Maidenhead based rabbi Doctor Jonathan Romain.

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Chief guest was Alex Carlile, Baron Carlile of Berriew.

Margaret Lenton, who co-chairs the Mustaqbill Future Foundation alongside Nazar Lodhi said: "One of the most moving moments was when Lord Carlile talked about his half sister Renata Calverley who escaped the Nazis.

"But it was powerful to see representatives the whole community - Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim - coming together to commemorate something that happened many years ago but which is still relevant today.

"It was an intense evening, remembering the six million Jews who died."

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A film about the Holocaust was also shown.

Mustaqbill Future Foundation co-chairman Nazar Lodhi said: "I thought how can one human being do that to another but look what's happening in China now."

About 71 people participated in the commemoration.