Fleet Street veteran Terry Pattinson is 'telling all' in his new book - and some of Slough's most vulnerable residents will be benefitting from it.

Terry, 78, of Garthlands, Furze Platt, Maidenhead is a veteran member of Slough Rotary Club - and a Fleet Street legend of 28 years standing, 18 of them on the Mirror.

All the profits from Terry's book are being donated by him to the Slough based homeless charity SHOC and to the Slough Foodbank - and that means all.

He said: "The tax man is not going to see any of it."

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Terry has three sons and is a grandfather of none.

His self-published book Scoop: A Life in Fleet Street is packed with stories of meetings and interviews with yesterday's headline makers - Enoch Powell just after his notorious Rivers of Blood speech, miners' leader Arthur Scargill, Tony Blair, disgraced American president Richard Nixon among them.

But it is the scrapes he got into that give the book its best moments - like when he started a major security alert at the Bournemouth International Conference Centre which PM Margeret Thatcher was attending by accidentally going into the 'ladies'.

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He realised his mistake when he heard a crowd of ladies walking in during a conference break - but was caught by one woman who was still doing her make-up as he came gingerly out from his cubicle.

He said: "I got back to the hotel room and got an angry call from my news editor demanding to know why I had not got the story of the major security alert.

"Police had released an image of a 'wild looking man with scary eyes' who had breached security and hidden in the ladies. Everyone was joking how he looked just like me and I kept quiet.

"It was even on the 10 O'clock news."

There was also the occasion when he went in the wrong entrance at a royal factory extension opening in Hackney and accidentally ended up being presented to the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh - before 'the tallest policeman I had ever seen' threw him out.

You can get Terry's book on Amazon or Kindle - priced £9.99 published by PublishNation.