The people of Colnbrook are being offered three options to choose from that would stop heavy goods vehicles crashing past their homes.
Slough Borough Council's proposals are all for width restrictions on Poyle Road.
Option one would involve the introduction of a bus gate in the middle of the carriageway with traffic islands. Other non-HGV traffic would be able to pass alongside the bus lane on a width-restricted carriageway.
This measure would force HGVs to access Poyle Road from Horton Road. 
Option two would involve the removal of the layby south of Mathisen Way, which would be replaced with a bus lane southbound and a southbound width restriction on the carriageway for HGVs.
An unrestricted northbound carriageway lane would be open to all vehicles, including HGVs. HGVs would be permitted to enter the industrial estate (south of Mathisen Way) via Horton Road but could only exit via Bath Road. 
Option three would also involve the removal of the layby south of Mathisen Way, which would be replaced with a bus lane northbound and a northbound width restriction on the carriageway for HGVs.
 An unrestricted southbound carriageway lane would be open to all vehicles, including HGVs. HGVs would be permitted to enter the industrial estate (south of Mathisen Way) via Bath Road but could only exit via Horton Road.
An initial public consultation on the first option was carried out in autumn 2016.
Following a review of the feedback, the council came up with two more options
Councillor Fiza Matloob, cabinet member for transport and highways, said: 
“By diverting large lorries to a more suitable route we will be improving safety and reducing pollution for residents, without impacting on normal traffic or local buses.”
The new consultation runs from Monday 12 June until Friday 7 July. 
Feedback can be given online via*, email, on or Twitter: @SloughCouncil.
Or you can write to Transport for Slough at: Transport for Slough, Second Floor West, St Martins Place, 51 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 3UF