A BRAVE student jumped 13,000 feet out of a plane so she could spend 10 weeks working on a development project to improve the lives of an African community.

Abigail Broad, 18, from Langley, is one of 12 volunteers on the International Citizen Service (ICS) programme who will travel to Tanzania in June to help build a better water system for an underprivileged community.

Each volunteer has to raise �800 for development charity and project organisers Raleigh International and Abigail smashed her target with a sponsored tandem skydive and school raffle. The Langley Grammar Sixth Form student said: "I have raised more than �900 which will make sure developing countries can continue to benefit from the work of future volunteers."

The Lions Club of Slough donated �150 and Abigail, who completed her skydive on Saturday, April 20, added: "This is a unique opportunity to work alongside people from a different culture who have requested help from young volunteers to fight poverty and make a difference where it's needed most.

"I'm really excited to get out there."

She will work alongside five UK and six Tanzanian volunteers on the government-funded scheme for people aged 18-25 to contribute towards long-term development projects in countries including Nicaragua, India and Tanzania.

When volunteers return back home they must organise an 'Action at Home Project' to use their new skills to benefit their own communities. To sponsor Abigail, visit www.justgiving.com/ Abi2Tanzania-RaleighICS To find out more about ICS or to apply, visit www.ics-uk.org.uk or call 0208 780 7400.