Slough Outreach is an archetypal example of a successful local charity, it works solely within the local area of Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead, serving an average of 100 people a day through street outreach, a charity shop and community hub in slough.

According to a senior member of the charity, We are committed to maximising our impact within Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead. Showing that their aim is to improve the lives of local people, where they know they can make a difference rather than trying to solve nationwide problems

According to their website, they are a 'grass roots community initiative to help the homeless and vulnerable people in Slough', something which their 20 volunteers do commendably well.

I believe that charities like Slough Outreach, working for different causes, are what the norm should be for charitable work in high income countries. With smaller charities, you have a far greater understanding of where your money, if you are a patron, or time, if you are a volunteer is going, as well as knowing it will make an impact. In contrast, in more global charities, what you donate could be lining the pockets of the individuals who run it, rather than going directly to where it is needed.

Apart from being more cost efficient when donating locally, it also provides a far greater sense of satisfaction when you can literally see where your money is going to, which, although it shouldn't be a driving factor behind a decision, still means something.

Admittedly in the majority of countries across the globe, there isn't the option to donate locally, most of them relying on international aid for basic human needs.

That is why I believe that when given the chance and with an interest in improving the standard of life in your area, look locally first, to charities like Slough Outreach before turning to more impersonal and established ones, where your money matters far less.